Wednesday 6 October 2010

Questionnaire Market Research

1) Male or Female?

2) Age Group? 11 – 16
17 – 24
25 – 34
35 – 44

3) Favourite genre of music?

4) First thing that comes to mind when you think about Pop – Rock?

5) Do you prefer to see narrative or performance based music video – How should it be split up?

6) Do you prefer to see a music video with a narrative based on the lyrics or based on an alternative source? For example, a separate concept.

7) What do you think are typical conventions of pop/rock?

8) How much do you listen to unsigned bands? Have you ever listened to ‘The Colours?

9) What is your favourite pop/rock music video and why?

10) Would you buy a physical CD or mp3 track/album of iTunes or a similar service and why?

11) How do you find out about your favourite bands?

12) Do you ever feel you take the advice of a magazine advert or does it inspire you to buy it and why?

13) What features do you feel the album cover should contain?

Song/Album title
Band name
Picture of the band
Image (Not Band)

14) Do you illegally download songs, why?

1 comment:

  1. Where's your graphs, charts and detailed feedback? Then show how this has helped shape your final decision.
