Friday 29 October 2010


During the Holiday we spent 2 days working through the storyline until we got a narrative, a basic shot list, a prop list and a few test shots. (See Previous Post)


This is a quick video I made showcasing 2 of the more complex shots we are going to attempt.

The first shot shown is the card cascade that will be included at the end of the video. We were not sure of the angle or how best to throw the cards down to achieve the best effect. In the end we looked at several angles and decide that the best way of throwing the cards was to press them with the fingers until they came out.

The second shot is the hair swish. This shot is included at the start of the video. We attempted this shot out to see what kind of lighting would be best used for the video and what motion would be necessary to create the desired 'swishing' effect. The letters and numbers at the bottom of the screen correspond to the different filter effects I used in iMovie.


After going through the shot list, we wrote up a prop list, of all the props that are needed, we have also given a person a responsibility to get and bring that prop. As they have said they have the prop they are willing to lend or they can get the prop for the music video. The props needed are listed below:

Step Ladder (Ben)

Desk light (Chris)

Suitcase (Lizi)

Playing Cards (All)

Female’s Phone

Males Phone

Dummy phone (Chris)

Cappuccino (Ben)

Cappuccino Cup (Ben)

Chocolate dust (Chris)

Heart Card stencil (Lizi)

Microphone (Lizi)

Guitar (Chris)

Drums (School- Jack)

Microphone Stand (School – Jack)

Drum Sticks (Ben

By Lizi Howard


Scene 1

(Mid shot - the woman seducing the man (No emotion for the man)

(Fades in and out to the beat with a black screen)

Low angled close shot – a door with the man behind it

The door opens and the woman is with another man, we can see his arm.

Close up of woman’s head – Woman is swishing her hair in slow motion.

Close up of man’s face – lip-syncing ‘to this’ (emotion present)

Split screen – close up shot – woman and man writing notes (Sorry, I’m leaving) (Sorry, forgive me)

Close up shot – man leaving the key behind.

Mid shot – man taking the suitcase away

Door closes and then fades to black

Scene 2


Mid shot - Side shot of the house door (lyrics – ‘I’m better off leaving now’


Long/high Shot – Man running away (away from the camera) (Camera

Moving up) (lyrics – I just keep on running)


Scene 3

Close up – Shot of the key as the woman see’s it and walks over.

Mid shot – Woman gets phone

Close up – Phone over shoulder

Mid shot– Phone next to ear

Long/high shot – running to the camera, stops, gets his phone out.

Close up – Man rejecting the call

Long/high – Continues running under the camera

Close up – Woman’s face (Emotion)

POV shot – Stirring the coffee with the heart in it.

PERFORMANCE (lyrics ‘You should come back, come back, come back and look for more)

Long shot – Man comes to a stop outside the pub and takes a breath (But love that run’s to deep)

Mid shot – Walks into the pub (inside the pub) Man walks in.

Close up shot – Man places the phone on the side.

Over the shoulder – Man walks by and see’s one of the friends with a hand of hearts.

Scene 5


Mid shot – slow zoom to the man playing cards (emotion) (lyrics ‘You are the only reason I want it more’)


Mid shot – the man is playing cards and the woman flickers in and out of the shot behind him. (Lyrics ‘I know I want to be on my own tonight’)

Scene 6


Long/High shot – Running away and past the camera at the side.


Long shot - sitting on a wall overlooking the river

Close Shot – Sitting on a wall overlooking the river

Over shoulder shot – looking at phone

Close shot – phone falling into the river




1. Woman tempting the man back to her by seducing him as she has the quality to seduce.

2. Man opens door to see his women with another man.

3. Woman turns around, (hair swishing shot) – White Background.

4. Man lip syncs to “To This.” and the pause. Shot of face!

5. Spilt screen, writing notes “I’m sorry, forgive me” “I’m Leaving”

6. Man leaving the house, leaves the key. Fades to black.


7. Performance.

8. “I’m better off leaving now” – Man walking by the side of his house

9. Performance.

10. “I just keep on running” – Man running away, down the street

11. Performance.


12. Woman finds the key he has left, she goes to ring him. He’s running, rejects the call. He carries on running, her face when he rejects stirs her coffee she made

13. Performance (You should come back, come back, come back and look for more)

14. Long shot of man outside pub taking a breath, and walking in. (But love that runs too deep)

15. Goes into pub to meet his friends, who are sitting down playing poker puts his phone on the side, one friend has a hand the heart suits, we see from over his shoulder. Subconscious object showing heartbreak.


16. Performance.

17. Zooms to the man sitting in a chair, showing his emotion via his body language while playing poker. (“You are the only reason I want it more”)

18. Performance.

19. The Woman flickers in and out of shot (“You know I want to be own tonight”)


20. Performance.

21. Running across the shot to the river (“I just keep on running”)

22. Performance.

23. Sat on a wall near river, looks at his phone realising he has #’s of missed calls, lets the phone slip out of his hands into the river.

24. Final Performance with card shower.


In our Music Video the parts we require actors for are: Vocalist – Narrative and Performance, Guitarist – Performance, Poker Player for the Narrative, Drummer – Performance, Poker Player for the Narrative, Ex-Girlfriend – Narrative Poker Players (4, including Guitarist and Drummer) – Narrative, Mates House/Pub (Location)


We will also be including another male character who will be the guy that the woman cheats with. In order to avoid getting any other actor out I have decided to play this small part. It will only be a very quick scene so it should not take my attention away from my directorial duties.

After going through the options we had we decided to ask the following to appear in our music video; Kieran Gabbitus, Rob Slipper and Ben Robinson. And for the female part we thought it would be more beneficial if Lizi Howard was to play that part so we would not have to get another actor out for 2 days.

Cast List

Vocalist – Kieran Gabbitus

Guitarist – Rob Slipper

Drummer – Ben Robinson

Ex-Girlfriend - Lizi Howard

Poker Players – Rob Slipper, Ben Robinson, Chris Tyler

Cheater - Jack Marshall (Me)


In music video the right ‘image’ has on the video, and how it is viewed and the costume for the actors was somewhat important. I felt as the costume was important it had to organised efficiently so the right image could be portrayed. I started by going through the clothes available in local stores such as Asda, Tesco, Burton, Topman and The Officers Club, as I felt these shops would have the clothing that would fit to the look I felt was needed in the music video. By looking at the pictures available online of “The Colours” we felt it was necessary to use the image they have already created for themselves as an unsigned band. The Colours seems to have a smart casual look, so I searched through the shirts, ties, blazers, t-shirts, belts and coats that were available from local stores and fitted the image we wanted to portray.

The clothes below show the ideas for costume in the music video, however when filming we want to make use of the actors own clothes if they are similar and fit to the style.

However if these clothes aren’t available we would have to purchase them for the music video, so that right look was created.
Male 1 - in the Performance, Vocalist of band
Male 2 - in the Performance, Guitarist of Band
Male 3 - in the Performance, Drummer of Band
Male 1 - in the Narrative, Main Lead
Male 2-5 - in the Narrative, Playing Poker

Male 1 – in the Narrative, Beginning “fade to beat” shots
Clothing Ideas for Males parts -



One element needs to be taken into consideration is the location where each of the parts of the video is going to be filmed. There are 5 locations that need to be identified and depends on where they are and what they are; permission needs to be granted to film there.

We need to find a location for each of these parts of the video:

- Performance Setting
- A Martial House- The Mate’s House/Pub
- Places/Streets he’ll run down
- Black Background set for beginning “fade to beat” shots

Performance Setting
The school stage would be used for the performance part. We might not see the stage as an actual stage, we could possibly lower the curtains and make the stage look darker and make it appear to look like a generic darker room

A Martial House A typical home, well cared for…

The Mate’s House/Pub
More messy than the marital house, men around the table playing poker.

Places/Streets he’ll run down
A typical street, near where we are filming for convenience.

Black Background set for beginning “fade to beat” shots
Same as the performance area, although it would be restricted to just showing the black background, we would not be able to tell it was a stage.

The weather also needs to be taken into consideration as it may have a impact on the shooting which we can’t control, although there isn’t many outside shooting, if it’s snowing, it would affect us as they mise-en-scene wouldn’t be right, as well as having take the risk in running down an icy road. Also as it is England the outside shooting, it will most probably be cold. So precautions would have to be made as it gets increasingly difficult to film in the cold weather. So the shooting would have to be planned inside and quickly but efficiently filmed when outdoors, reducing the time spend outside, which is something we learnt from out foundation production filming.


The Performance Setting: We will be using the stage at RMC with a black background. If the stage is only free when we could not use it for whatever reason, we have secured a possible back-up location - we would use the Drama studio at our school. We have been told that black curtains will be being put up in the drama studio for when we wish to film so if, for whatever reason, we could not use the stage, then the studio would be a viable alternative.

A Marital House: One of our actors homes in a small village will be used for a marital house. It is tidy and fairly rural styled inside which will will fit stylistically with the pub and the running scenes. We will be using the kitchen, the hall, the lounge and the bedroom (for the separate 'cheating' scene). Lighting may be an issue in this location due to the dark walls so, to counter this, we will be bringing a very bright desk lamp which hopefully will solve this problem.

The Pub/Mates House: Ideally, we will be using the pub in Haconby, a small neighboring village for this location. If we can get permission to film in the pub then we will be able to create a poker game at a table. If, however, we are not able to film in this location then we will have to change the location to my home. We could use my dining room as it particularly light and I would be able to mess it up.

Street: For the street scenes, we will be filming on the Haconby roads. Due to it being a small village we would be able to film down the middle of the road without having to worry about to many cars. We will be using streets and a country road leading down lane to a river for the water shot when the main character throws their phone into a lake.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Distribution and Exhibition of our Promo

Traditional methods: Magazines, Adverts, Billboards, CD sales

Magazines are paid by the copyright holder of a piece of music to advertise. Certain music magazines will also write articles on bands which have the added benefit of increasing potential publicity as well. Traditionally, music was distributed through CD sales in shops such as ‘HMV’. These days, with the rapid advancement of MP3 sales the CD market has decreased exponentially and very few people buy CD’s. This is why many people have moved on to methods of new media.

New Media: MP3, Social networks, The Internet, Music Channels

These days music is more often than not, distributed through mp3 format over an internet sales. This has had a huge impact on the sales of CDs as MP3 has taken over the music industry as internet speeds have increased.

Social Networks have become increasingly popular, the most popular ‘Facebook’ having in excess of 500 million members. This has become a very important asset for music artists in order to publicise their work. Facebook groups and events allow other user to see what their favourite bands are doing and where they are performing. The internet as a whole has become the main source of publicity for many bands. As an example, you can listen to small sections of the current UK top 40 on BBC chart show website. MP3 distribution has also only become possible thanks to the internet, iTunes being the biggest distributor of single tracks and albums.

Music Channels also play a big part in the publicising of particular types of music. There are many, many music channels that play all genres of music. ‘4Music’ for example plays chart music whereas ‘Kerrang!’ plays metal. If our music promo were really being created to be distributed and exhibited then we would probably choose 4Music to play it primarily because of the large viewing figures for the channel and the variety of music they play.

Pitch Ideas

Our pitch ideas for our music promo: We created a powerpoint to best illustrate our current ideas at the time for ideas and concepts we could put into the video. We presented the ideas and collected feedback. One improvement that was suggested was that we should look more into was the performanc, this was the case becuase our ideas mainly centred around a narrative whereas it was also very important t plan a good performance as well.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Music Deconstruction

Music Deconstruction

-Guitar intro is upbeat-

=intro 0.00 – 0.07=

Your empty promises

Stop filling up my mind while my loves’ away

Temptation calls me

To this


And loveless fools believe

Their guilty hearts still bleed

-Tempo of the singer suggests a level of understanding on what he has to do-

But their cold lifeless heart beats wear them out

=first verse 0.07 – 0.34=

=pause 0.34 – 0.37=

[Chorus] Cause you’re the heartbreak that I couldn’t deal with

You were –pause- the mistake

That no-one could save me from

But I know

I’m better off leaving now

You are the only reason I want it more


You know I want to be on my own tonight

- tempo of the music speeds up with an added guitar to bring more positivity-into the song

I just keep on running

You know I want to be on my own tonight

Tonight I let you go

=Second verse 0.37 – 1.07=

My insecurities


Playing on my mind, colours never change

You should come back, come back, come back

(And look for more)

-Drum Solo-

But love that runs too deep

Stolen moments we couldn’t keep

-Line comes out quickly, suggesting he isn’t dwelling on it, similar to the rest of the song-

You should go before the night time lets you down

=third verse 1.07 – 1.35=

=pause 1.35 – 1.38=

[Chorus] Cause you’re the heart break that I couldn’t deal with

You were the –pause- mistake

That no-one could save me from

But I know

I’m better off leaving now

You are the only reason I want it more

You know I want to be on my own tonight

I just keep on running

You know I want to be on my own tonight

Tonight I let you go

=fourth verse 1.38 – 2.08=

=pause 2.08 – 2.21=

Tonight I let you go

-Synth and piano during this part, tempo is getting quicker-

Heart break, heart break

Heart break (tonight I let you go)

Heart, heart break

Heart break, heart break, heart heart break

Tonight, heart break

Heart break, heart break, heart break, heart break, heart break

I just keep on running

You’re the heart break I couldn’t deal with

You were the mistake that no-one could save me from

But I know I’m better off leaving now

You are the only reason I want it more

-Tempo is steadily increasing as the song continues, this could be carried forward to the video, such as quickening of running pace etc…’

=fifth verse 2.21 – 2.52=

You know I want to be on my own tonight

I just keep on running

You know I want to be on my own tonight

Tonight I let you go

=sixth verse 2.52 – 3.08=

=pause 3.08 – 3.13=

Tonight I let you go

=pause 3.14 – 3.16=

Tonight I let you go

=song ends 3.26=

-Atmosphere is generally quite positive for quite a strong topic; this suggests that maybe a level of satireisation might be relevant. This is backed up by the band’s explanation of the song which suggests its trying to put a lighter side on a difficult topic-

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Questionnaire Market Research

1) Male or Female?

2) Age Group? 11 – 16
17 – 24
25 – 34
35 – 44

3) Favourite genre of music?

4) First thing that comes to mind when you think about Pop – Rock?

5) Do you prefer to see narrative or performance based music video – How should it be split up?

6) Do you prefer to see a music video with a narrative based on the lyrics or based on an alternative source? For example, a separate concept.

7) What do you think are typical conventions of pop/rock?

8) How much do you listen to unsigned bands? Have you ever listened to ‘The Colours?

9) What is your favourite pop/rock music video and why?

10) Would you buy a physical CD or mp3 track/album of iTunes or a similar service and why?

11) How do you find out about your favourite bands?

12) Do you ever feel you take the advice of a magazine advert or does it inspire you to buy it and why?

13) What features do you feel the album cover should contain?

Song/Album title
Band name
Picture of the band
Image (Not Band)

14) Do you illegally download songs, why?

Tuesday 5 October 2010


Representation on Music Videos
All media texts re-present reality – They are constructions that involve selection
Images in texts evoke different connotations in different segments of the audience.

Possible Representations?

Freud’s Theory = Erotic pleasure gained from looking at a sexual object, (preferably when the object is unaware)
Shown in screens within screens, CCTV style images, webcams, characters watching performers

In music videos males are mostly represented as:
In Control

Females are mostly represented as:
Sexual objects

Gender in Rock / Metal
Male dominance

Friday 1 October 2010

Band History

The Band history and the thinking behind the song. There description of how their song shows deep meanings and feelings but puts it into a lighter context suggests that we would be better making a promo with a lighter side in order for it to fit in better with the style of the song.

We decided that after reading the band history that we should change our ideas to incorporate the new ideas.

Favorite Music Genres -WORDLE-

For Market Research we felt a need to see what the favourite music genres were of people and as our music was Pop Rock genre which gender the music would most appeal to. The wordle below shows both male and female people we asked:
As you can see the favourite music genre out of the people we questioned were R'n'B, followed by Pop and Rock. When the results that have been collected are split into females and males, we can see that many females favourite music genre is R'n'B, followed by Pop, and Rock isn't a major genre that females like, whereas Rock is a major music genre that males like and R'n'B doesn't even appear.