Wednesday 10 November 2010

Filming Account

Friday 5th November

The day prior to filming we had made sure all our team had been given their correct brief for the next day, they all knew what they were doing and we were sure that all necessary tasks had been carried out. It turned out that we missed one crucial element; we had forgot to collect the camcorder and tripod from school. Therefore, due to this error I had to change my itinerary slightly to accommodate collecting all the equipment at school before heading off to the bus stop with Lizi to go to Morton to meet Chris, Kieran and Rob. When in Morton we had a stroke of good luck, Rob’s mum who happened to be passing us at the time we all met up offered to give us a lift, which meant we arrived at Ben’s house (one of the filming locations) 20 minutes early.

Once set up we made a group decision to film the outside scenes first so as to avoid any potential rain, being as it was currently good shooting conditions. Our filming took place on a fen road and over a small river. Due to our choice of road, we encounter very few cars and even fewer pedestrians so we could be sure filming would not be delayed. All went to plan for the road scenes and we had approximately 1 hour to film the river scenes. This proved somewhat more difficult as the steep incline on the riverside meant that we had to get down very carefully and, adding the problem of us only having working phones to drop off the side of the river, we had to set up a makeshift net in order to catch Chris’s phone. After the initial setting up we did, however, get all the shots we needed and we were able to move on to the Pub to film.

Chris successfully convinced the owner of the pub to allow us to film inside in a small area around a table. It was here that we filmed the poker game. This all went to plan and we finished slightly ahead of time so we were able to leave and have lunch.

After lunch we filmed the remaining scenes in Ben’s house. This included the man leaving, the woman’s reaction and the ‘cheating’ scene, all of which did not prove too difficult to film, with the possible exception of ‘cheating scene’ taking a little longer than anticipated to film as it demanded a heightened level of maturity… from not just the cast but the ones filming it as well. Either way, we successfully filmed all the scenes we needed, with the one exception of the heart in the cappuccino cup, which could not be filmed as it turned out no-one actually knew how to make a cappuccino so we had to leave that shot out. Other than that one blip the whole day went almost exactly to plan.

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